Posts Tagged ‘not so single anymore’

My ‘O’

February 26, 2010

Well… It’s been a while. I’ve been purposefully absent from the blogging world because I’ve been hugely distracted and as everyone that knows me well knows this is only due to men.

Well in this case just the one man.

I met ‘O’ out and about in the middle of January and the last 6 weeks from then have been a beautiful blur. It started off quite messily, O lives with his girlfriend – before you think that I am an evil man stealing home wrecker please think again. I am not, but in this case there was an overlap and before you think that O is a complete cheating bugger, he is not. Well he is, in the sense that he cheated but nothing is that black and white and it’s all too boring to go into.

The short of it is that the only girlfriend he has now is yours truly and it is utterly wonderful. I am completely immersed in the new couple phase.  Naturally, I promised myself to remain guarded and hold back but I just couldn’t! I’ve jumped in feet first and rationality is an unwelcome guest. My friend has tried to tell me to slow down so I don’t get hurt but really what is the point?  I figure that I’d rather get supremely hurt than protect myself and miss the amazing feelings that I have now.

So, my single dating life didn’t really last as long as I expected but I know that I got what I needed from it and who’s to say that I won’t be single again? Although at risk of sounding like a knob if it goes pear shaped, this feels big. Really, really, BIG. So much so, that I’ve been swallowing the urge to blurt out I love you at every perfect moment. I am very much the smitten kitten.

For now though, I have to decide whether to write about him (I mean, more than I already have tonight!). I don’t think that I will. I want to keep him to myself for now.

My wonderful O.